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Recommend a Title


Who may recommend books for nomination? 

Children, young adults, educators, librarians, parents, or anyone who works with young people and books may recommend titles. This recommendation process may take place in the classroom or in a library. California Young Reader Medal recommended titles must reflect what young people like to read.

Criteria for nomination

  • Must have strong appeal for the age group for which the recommendation is made. 

  • Often read or requested by children and young adults. 

  • Published within the previous four years and still in print. 

  • Written by an author who is still living.

  • An original work of fiction available in the English language.

Grade level categories

  • Primary (K-3rd grades) 

  • Intermediate (3rd-6th grades) 

  • Middle School/Junior High (6th-9th grades) 

  • Young Adult (9th-12th grades) 

  • Picture Books for Older Readers (4th+) 

Deadline: April 1