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Cougar Crossing by Meeg Pincus and Alexander Vidal


Cougar Crossing by Meeg Pincus and Alexander Vidal

Non Wels

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Meeg Pincus

Alexander Vidal

Beach Lane Books (Simon & Schuster)

Written by Meeg Pincus
Illustrated by Alexander vidal

Published by Beach Lane Books (Simon & Schuster) (2021)

2024-2025 Nominee - Picture Books for Older Readers


Discover the amazing true story of P-22, the wild cougar living in Los Angeles, in this inspiring picture book.

P-22, the famed “Hollywood Cougar,” was born in a national park near Los Angeles, California. When it was time for him to leave home and stake a claim to his own territory, he embarked on a perilous journey—somehow crossing sixteen lanes of the world’s worst traffic—to make his home in LA’s Griffith Park, overlooking the famed Hollywood sign. But Griffith Park is a tiny territory for a mountain lion, and P-22’s life has been filled with struggles.

Residents of Los Angeles have embraced this brave cougar as their own and, along with the scientists monitoring P-22, raised money to build a wildlife bridge across Highway 101 to help cougars and other wildlife safely expand their territories and build new homes—ensuring their survival for years to come.